ScotPEN Wellcome Award Evaluation

ScotPEN Wellcome Award Evaluation

Evaluation of the ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award Pilot 2 (2020 to 2022)

We were commissioned by the Scottish Public Engagement Network (ScotPEN) to undertake an evaluation of the ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award (SWEA), a pilot funding scheme that supported Wellcome-funded researchers at Scotland’s universities to develop and deliver public engagement projects. The SWEA scheme was part of Wellcome’s Institutional Research Engagement Fund (IREF) programme to pilot a devolved approach to awarding Wellcome Public Engagement grants.

Helix worked in partnership with the SWEA delivery team to explore the outcomes and impacts of the scheme, and its successes and challenges. We worked alongside the SWEA team to co-create a mixed-methods approach, gathering a range of qualitative and quantitative data from multiple perspectives to address the evaluation questions and objectives.




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